新説解 中卷

Pictogram (象形): the SUN.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): the sun (日) appearing over the horizon (一).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a line 丨 in front of 日, indicating "the days before".
(舊) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 匕 ("spoon") with 日 (pictogram of a mouth); a man tasting.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 日 (“sun”) with 甲 (“first”); when the sun first rises.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 寸 ("hand") with 日; to point at the sun, as in timekeeping.
(時) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): the body and legs of an insect.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 日 with 天 ("heaven").
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 日 (“sun”) with 口 (“mouth”). During the Warring States Period, 口 developed into 曰.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 日 (“sun”) with 月 (“moon”); the sun just rising and the moon not yet set; dawn.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): abbreviated 氐 ("lower") with 日 (“sun”).
Pictogram (象形): a filled container.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 賜.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 𡿧 (“disaster; floods”) with 日 (“sun”); the flood submerging the sun; the former times.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 日 with 云, presumably “sun behind clouds”.
Ideogrammic compound (会意). Those speaking 曰 in this place 处.

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)

Phonetic 勹 (simplified from 螾).
Phonetic 𡗗 (simplified from 芚).