新説解 上卷

Ideogram (指事): ONE stroke.
Pictogram (象形): a nail.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 釘.
Pictogram (象形): one stroke cutting through another.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 切.
Pictogram (象形): a person dancing.

Ideogrammic compound (会意): 一 (“one”), indicating a number, with pictogram (象形) of a person advancing - a large numeral.
(萬) Pictogram (象形): a scorpion.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 十 (“ten”) with 又 (“hand”) - ten chi (尺) is one zhang (丈).
Ideogram (指事): THREE strokes.
Ideogram (指事): a line ABOVE another.
Ideogram (指事): a line BELOW another.
Pictogram (象形): the calyx of a flower.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 柎.

Pictogram (象形): a bird flying toward the sky (一) - the sky being the limit for the bird, thus the idea of negation.
Specialization (轉注): from 牙, the semantic component of the traditional form.
(與) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): a parapet for warding off arrows, thus implying concealment.
Pictogram (象形): a person leaning forward to ask for help.
Pictogram (象形): a hand, graphically depicting the final phase of the moon.
Pictogram (象形): a stone altar.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 祖.
Pictogram (象形): three leaves on a branch.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 枼.

Ideogrammic compound (会意): triplication of 十 (“ten”) - thirty, such as a variant form 丗. Thirty years make one generation (thirty times twelve months gives 360 months).
Pictogram (象形): a HILL.
Pictogram (象形): unknown meaning.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 一 (“ground, floor”) with 从 (“two people standing together”) - to make cluster.
(叢) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): a sawtooth-shaped board. Reduced from the traditional form.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 卩 (“kneeling person”) with 廾 (“both hands”) and 凵 (“hole”) - to rescue a person from a hole.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 一 (“one (item)”) with 去 (“to go; to remove”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 立 beside 立 - to put things side by side.

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)

Pictogram (象形): half of 竹 (“bamboo”) - an item or thing. Bamboo was an important component of construction in ancient times.
(個) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
(箇) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): a FORK in a branch or path.
Pictogram (象形): a flagpole with a drum, placed in the CENTER of ancient gatherings.
Ideogram (指事): a line passing through the CENTER of 口.
Pictogram (象形): a FLOWER or LUXURIANT FOLIAGE.
Pictogram (象形): a hand holding a brush.
(書) Phono-semantic compound (形声): semantic 聿 (“writing brush”) + phonetic 者.

Ideogrammic compound (会意): a pen 聿 writing on paper 曰.
Pictogram (象形): objects STRUNG TOGETHER, a SKEWER.

Ideogram (指事): a flipped version of 仄 - something that can be turned or flipped, a ROUND OBJECT.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 乂 (“to control; to regulate; to nurture”) with 丶 as a component of emphasis - JUST governance.
(義) Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): phonetic 我 with 羊 (together, “my sheep”), as ancient herders had a sense of duty and obligation toward their livestock.
Pictogram (象形): RED substance found in a well.
Pictogram (象形): to hold an elephant. Reduced from the traditional form.
(爲) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 又 (“hand”) with 象 (“elephant”) - to hold an elephant.
Pictogram (象形): a picture of a lamp or a torch with a flame at the top.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 炷.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): an object 丶 thrown into a well 井. Donburi is often described as "throwing a large amount of food into the bowl; plopped-down rice".

Pictogram (象形): a tool similar to a knife.
Pictogram (象形): a pregnant woman.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): compare 奶、孕.
Pictogram (象形): a man receiving moxibustion.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 灸.
Pictogram (象形): small strands of silk. Reduced from 幺.
(麽) Phono-semantic compound (形声). Reduced from 麼.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 止 (“foot”) with 一 (“the beginning place”) - compound meaning “to go”.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a scepter 丿 in hand 彐.
Pictogram (象形): the overlapping portion of traditional Chinese garments.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 作.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 丿 (“wind; air”) with phonetic 丂 (“breath”).
Ideogram (指事): a flipped version of 正 (“straight; right”) to signify the opposite - not right, lacking.
Specialization (轉注): from 兵.
Specialization (轉注): from 兵.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): young 夭 and strong.
(喬) Ideogram (指事) and specialization (轉注): from 高.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): two persons seated facing away 北 from each other.
Pictogram (象形): a person 大 climbing a tree 木, with the feet 北 visible.

Pictogram (象形): a developing plant or part of a fish.
Specialization (轉注): from 也.
Pictogram (象形): a hand or bent elbow, implying a "bumping up" of nine against ten.
Specialization (轉注): from 气.
Pictogram (象形): an ancient funnel or wash basin.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 匜.

Pictogram (象形): air coming out of mouth, a modal particle.
Pictogram (象形): half of 羽 (“wings”) - birds PRACTICE flying.
(習) Ideogrammic compound (会意): to PRACTICE flying 羽 all day under the hot sun 白.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 占 (“divination”) with 乚 (“to twist”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 舌 (“tongue; bell”) with 乚 (“to twist”). Twisted tongue is indeed CHAOTIC, and a bell can sound the alarm in times of unrest.
(亂) Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): pictogram (象形) of tangled threads with 乚 (“to twist”).
Pictogram (象形): a woman breastfeeding a child.

Pictogram (象形): a baby wrapped in a blanket.
Pictogram (象形): two hands, each GIVING an object to another.
Pictogram (象形): two hands on a plowshare. Reduced from the traditional form.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 又 (“hand”) with 中 (“flag or hunting weapon”) - flag or hunting weapon in hand, to PERFORM one's JOB.

Ideogram (指事): TWO strokes.
Pictogram (象形): the right side of 行.
Pictogram (象形): an ancient wind instrument.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 竽.

Ideogrammic compound (会意): 一 (“flat stream of air”) with 丂 (“to exhale”).
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 吁.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 一 (“flat stream of air”) with 丂 (“to exhale”) - to LOSE one's breath.
(虧) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): a stylized picture of clouds.
(雲) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): a spool to wind up rope.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 䇘.
Specialization (轉注): from 笄.
Ideogram (指事): FIVE lines, of which two are crossing. When counting on a single hand, one first counts to five and then crosses back the other way to ten.
Pictogram (象形): a square well, with supports on four sides.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 二 with 囘 (“to turn around”).
(亙) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 二 with 月 (“moon”).
Pictogram (象形): an overhead view of a construction, likely a tomb. Reduced from the traditional form.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a person 人 constrained 二, calling out with mouth 口 and working with hands 又 (simplified from 攴).

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)

Ideogram (指事): a line on 刀 - cutting edge of a knife.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 芒.
Pictogram (象形): a NECK, perhaps from which stems the senses "high; haughty; arrogant".
Pictogram (象形): a human with CROSSED legs.
Pictogram (象形): a plant's roots underground.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 荄.

Pictogram (象形): an animal, the zodiac pig.
Pictogram (象形): a human figure (compare 大) with water falling from them (roughly from arm pits).
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 腋.
Pictogram (象形): an ancestral shrine.
Pictogram (象形): an ancestral shrine.
Specialization (轉注): from 高.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with phonetic 京 (“building; tower”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): PARENT keeping watch 立 over child 木.

Specialization (轉注): from 辛.
(親) Phono-semantic compound (形声).

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)

Abbreviated semantic 高 + phonetic 丁.
Abbreviated semantic 高 + phonetic 乇.
Phonetic 旦.
Phonetic 亠 (simplified from 文) + semantic 舋 (simplified from 釁).

Pictogram (象形): side view of a standing man, highlighting the arms and legs.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with phonetic 十 (“ten”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): phonetic 人 (“person”) with 二 (“two”) - BENEVOLENCE is a quality that arises between two people.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 厂 (“cliff”) with phonetic 夨 (“man with crooked head”) – "oblique, slanted".
Ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 with hand 又 reaching or measuring - ALMOST there, a SMALL QUANTITY.
(僅) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Specialization (轉注): from an ancient form of 掌.
Ideogram (指事): a flipped version of 曰 (“to speak”) to signify the opposite - to not speak.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 含.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 with two marks IN BETWEEN.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a person (人) walking with another person in the same direction - to follow.
(從) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 辵 (“walk”) with 从 (“follow”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 with another person 匕 (compare 比) - to arrange in order.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 伦.
(侖) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 亼 with 冊 (“book”). The component 亼 can be interpreted as either "gather" ("to gather books" therefore "order") or as a downward mouth ("reading words as they're written" therefore "order").
Pictogram (象形): a granary or warehouse. Reduced from the traditional form.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 子 (“child”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 士 (“scholar, retainer”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with 寸 (“hand”) - to deliver, to give to someone.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): a person 人 moving into a mountain 山 to practice becoming immortal.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): lid 人 TOGETHER with pot 工.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with phonetic 千 (“thousand”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 亼 (“to gather”) with 卩 (“kneeling person”).
Pictogram (象形): a person carrying something.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (from the left side of 個) with phonetic 三 (“three”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 卬. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 卬.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 中 (“middle”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): the man 人 and cow 牛 as a UNIT or COMPONENT of livelihood in ancient societies.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 壬. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 壬.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 分. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 分.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): man 人 STANDING, emphasizing the feet 止.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 心 (“heart”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 亢 (“tall; strong; firm”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with phonetic 五 (“five”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with 犬 (“dog”) – a dog at the side of a person, or a person adopting the position of a dog.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a man 人 beheaded with spear 戈.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a man 人 RESTING against a tree 木.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 夫 (“laborer”) - a conscripted laborer, a SERVANT or SLAVE.
(僕) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): triplication of 人 - a CROWD of people.
(眾) Pictogram (象形): an eye (目) above three humans (㐺) – a CROWD under someone’s gaze.
(衆) Erroneous character (訛字): from 眾.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 尤 (“special; outstanding”).
(優) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 around a campfire 火 - a COMRADE.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): people 人 speaking 云 in a GATHERING.

Pictogram (象形): a lid on top of a container, with content in. Reduced from the traditional form.
Pictogram (象形): an UMBRELLA. Reduced from the traditional form.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 with 专 (“spinning wheel”) - the human tradition of TRANSMISSION, PASSING DOWN.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a person 人 WOUNDING another with force 力.
(傷) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 仑. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 仑.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 为 (together, “man-made”) - to be FAKE, to be ARTIFICIAL.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 司 (“to manage; to control”) - a person stands beside (attends), looks in.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 丕 (“large; grand”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 田 (“field”) - man CULTIVATING a field.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 立 (“to stand”) - a person's STANDING, RANK or STATUS.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 氐. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 氐.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 主 (“lord”) - a person is master or lord of where he RESIDES.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 左 (“left”) - a LEFT HAND MAN.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 右 (“right”) - a RIGHT HAND MAN.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with 本 (“basis”).
(體) Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Specialization (轉注): from 余.

Phono-semantic compound (形声).
Pictogram (象形): thatched cottage; house.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 舍.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 失 (“to lose”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 尔 (“you”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 用 (“to use”) - a person in use; a person EMPLOYED. Also refers to using money as COMMISSION for such a person.
(傭) Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 庸 (“to use”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 亼 (“to gather”) with light 𭕄 coming from the masses 一 - UNANIMOUS consent.
(僉) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 亼 (“to gather”) with 吅 (“many mouths”) and 从 (“many people”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with 凡 (“sail”) and 巾 (“piece of cloth”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 老 (“old”) - derogatory name for a person, folk.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with phonetic 百 (“hundred”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 圭 (“jade scepter”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 全 (“whole piece of jade”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): people 人 moving back and forth 䏌.
使 Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 吏 (“messenger; official”).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with mouths 口 flowing 𫶧.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 多 (“many”) - man's EXCESSIVE or WASTEFUL disposition.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 列 (“to line up”) - a PRECEDENT or RULE.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 共 (“to share”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 会 (“to associate”) - to associate with multiple parties.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 齐 (“together”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 农 (“farmer”) - pronoun used by a farmer or peasant.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 尽 (“to finish”).
Pictogram (象形): a target for arrows.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 亼 (“to gather”) with 刀 (“knife”) and phonetic 丑.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a person 人 with broom 帚 in hand 又.
便 Ideogrammic compound (会意): to change 更 one's posture to make oneself comfortable.
Pictogram (象形): sacrificial altar for meat.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 with phonetic 孚. Differentiated meaning (分义) from 孚.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): person 人 carrying a child in hands 呆.
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): phonetic 人 (“person”) with 言 (“word”).
Phono-semantic compound (形声) and ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (from the left side of 個) with phonetic 两 (“two”).
Specialization (轉注): from 作.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 人 (“person”) with 囟 (“fontanelle”) and 儿 (“child”) and 夊 (“foot; indicator of human quality”) - a childlike brain.

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)

Semantic 月 (from 凡) + phonetic 亼 and 刂 (from 由).

Pictogram (象形): a standing person, arms wrapped with just the legs showing - a CHILD.
(兒) Pictogram (象形): an infant with an imperfect cranium (i.e. fontanelle).
Ideogrammic compound (会意): to CUT 一 THE FEET 儿.
Pictogram (象形): a person with the head emphasized, indicating a nod.
Pictogram (象形): a figure with two lines 二 for a head (one connected to body, one above it), emphasizing the head.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): a person 儿 ordering 口 the younger ones about.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 𠫓 (“a newborn”) with 儿 (“standing person”) – a newborn grows to stand and become mature.
Pictogram (象形): the cracks in a shell during fortune-telling, an OMEN.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 之 (“foot”) with 儿 (“person”) – to go forward.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 火 (“fire”) with 卩 (“kneeling person”) – fire over a person's head, emphasizing the shining of LIGHT.
Pictogram (象形): a person 卩 carrying something 由 over their shoulders – "to shoulder; to be competent".

Ideogrammic compound (会意): a battle helmet 由 and a pelt 皮 – "to defeat; to vanquish".
Pictogram (象形): a man in a hat.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 冕.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 八 (“speech; breath”) with 口 (“mouth”) and 人 (“person”). Reduced from the traditional form.
Phonetically borrowed character (假借): original form of 説.
Pictogram (象形): a RABBIT.
Pictogram (象形): a RHINOCEROS.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): two brothers 兄 COMPETING.
(競) Ideogrammic compound (会意): 誩 (“argument”) with two 儿 (“man”) – two individuals COMPETING.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): 𠑹 (“cover”) with 皃 (“head”) - a HELMET.
Ideogrammic compound (会意): duplication of 克 (“to subdue, to restrain”) - to overly restrain oneself, to be CAUTIOUS.

Phono-semantic compounds (形声)
